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Once you submit your New Patient Form and receive approval from our staff, you will receive an individual email with your new PIN to sign in. 

Before getting started:

- If you already have a portal account, do not follow these steps below. Instead, log into your account and click the pending registration tile on your homepage. Refer to the email you received for the PIN that you will be prompted to enter for the child/dependent. 

- If this is your first time setting up your account and you received emails for multiple patients, complete the steps below from one of the emails that invites you to register. When you log into the portal, click the pending registration tile on your homepage to complete the other registrations. Only use the other emails to obtain the PIN(s) for additional children dependents. 


1. From the email, make note of the email address and PIN, and click the URL to launch the portal.

2. On the Child/Dependent screen enter the information for the patient whose first name is already displayed, and click CONTINUE.

3. On the Parent/Guardian screen, your email is already displayed. Enter the rest of your information.

4. Create a Password for your account, select a Security Question and enter the Answer.

5. Review and agree to the Terms & Conditions by selecting the checkbox.


If you have a Wilmington Health Portal or other child Portal

Before getting started:

-If you already have a portal account that you created for another patient, do not follow the steps below. Instead, log into your account, go to Settings > Add Child/Dependent and enter the PINS(s) for the additional patients.

-Complete the steps below if this is the first time you are setting up a portal account.

-If your printout contains PINS for multiple patients, you'll enter them in step 3.

1. Go to the Patient Portal URL that is displayed at the top of the PIN printout, and click LET"S GET STARTED.

2. Click YES becuase you have a PIN and click Child of Dependent unless you are the patient and you're registering yourself for the portal.

3. Enter the child's or dependent's birthday and PIN from the printout. If you have PINS for additional patients, click + ADD another child or dependent and complete their information.

4. Click CONTINUE when you're done.

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